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Funding made easy

GrantDesk is set to transform the way you approach research proposal development and academic grant applications. Save time, get expert support, and increase your chances of success.

We are delighted to announce a strategic partnership with scientifyRESEARCH.
Read more here.



Trusted around the world

We have served over 4,500 researchers from around the world in the last 20 years, helping them to submit grant applications to all major funders.



We know your pain

  • Applying for research grants is one of the most daunting and time-consuming tasks
  • You need not only the well-crafted proposal, but also knowledge of how each funder evaluates them.
  • And most (up to 11 out of 12) are unsuccessful, requiring you start over again.

How we fix it


4 weeks and we’re done

Gone are the days of spending months and months preparing the grant application. Our experts help you get done in one - letting you get back to the bench.


Stay on track

Your personal account manager works with you and the grant experts, looking after the boring stuff and making sure we stick to schedules.


Say ‘yes!’ more often

That feeling when you get the email saying you've been successful with your grant application? You better get used to that a lot more from now on.

Meet some of our highly-rated grant experts

dr. Brendans

Dr. Brendan P.

  • Biomedical research, molecular biology of cancer, mutagenesis, biomarkers and cell biology
  • 30+ years experience proven track record of obtaining large ($Mn) federal grants from NIH and other sources
  • Principal investigator at Harvard - ran a laboratory with a focus on research in cancer and biology
dr. Scott

Dr. Scott F.

  • Neuroscience, brain plasticity, perception, cognition and motor behavior
  • 20+ years experience of federal grant development for all federal funding agencies
  • Reviewer for NIH and several other international funding agencies
dr. Dorian

Dr. Dorian R.

  • Translational cell biology and neuroimmunology
  • 10+ years experience in designing strategy for NIH and NSF grants
  • Recent projects on cardiovascular and metabolic disease therapeutics

You’re not alone

Just the process of applying for grants is going to mean you encounter rejection. We provide not only the obvious help with shaping and writing the application, but emotional support and encouragement when the process gets too much. Plus, we are here until your funding goals are met!


$ 295

If you've taken up the offer of GrantDesk membership through scientifyRESEARCH, you will have all the benefits of a Personal Annual Membership, with the exception of a free first co-created grant application. However, you do get to access our grant experts for 4-6 weeks for just $399 per project.

Note that applications that have been co-created with GrantDesk experts and lead to a successful award will incur a 2.5% commission.

Or send us an existing application you have completed for a free 3-day mini-review to highlight strengths and weaknesses before submission.


$ 695

Annual membership of GrantDesk gives you all the tools you need to achieve your funding goals. Partner with us to boost your research career.

  • First application FREE - subsequent applications $399
  • One free mini-review
  • Subscription to scientifyRESEARCH Premium
  • Monthly newsletter on funding landscape
  • E-book on preparing your grant application
  • Whitepaper on research funding in 2023

Note that applications that have been co-created with GrantDesk experts and lead to a successful award will incur a 2.5% commission.


$ 2,995

Non-members can also take advantage of our expert-assisted grant applications. These applications also incur no commission.

$ 495

3-day mini-reviews of completed applications prior to submission.

We also provide unlimited edits and/or unlimited application support for institutions and labs. Contact us for more details:

Frequently Asked Questions

What about the grant experts? Who are they?

The grant experts are people who are either multiple successful applicants, reviewers, or former employees of grant awarding bodies. They work with in-house grant writers and project managers to get your application into shape in record time.

Which subject areas do you support?

We are starting with support for biomedical and health-related projects. We also consider physical science and enginerring projects, and eventually will cover all subjects.

Which funders do you support?

NIH, NSF, ERC, UKRI, NSERC, CIHR - and others on request.

Do you guarantee success?

We can't guarantee success, as all grant applications are subject to the whims of reviewers and councils at each funding body. However, we do bring insights to the review process for each funder and have in-depth knowledge of what makes an application successful in recent years, improving your chances of success and decreasing the time required to complete the application.